Coffee is the perfect drink to get while chatting. You're expecting an energy buzz from the caffeine so you're already feeling better, and then add in the fact that you're socializing and boom! Winning. Your day has significantly improved before you even took the first sip.
Some of us though, don't always have someone to get a cup of coffee with. Well do not fear! It just so happens that coffee houses are usually more sociable than the local bar! I have struck up so many random conversations in a coffee house and I absolutely loved every one of them. One morning I was preparing for an interview and some random guy in a suit asked me what I was doing and it just so happened that he worked in the same industry so he was able to give me some pointers. As a barista I've been given the chance to hear so many interesting stories.
I guess what I'm trying to get to is that you should go out and socialize - and if you need some liquid courage, try coffee. When you're hopped up on caffeine rather than liquor, you're less likely to make an ass of yourself.