Thursday, May 27, 2010
Nine - Amanda's Review
Nine, 2009

"Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother. As his chaotic profession steadily destroys his personal life, Guido must find a balance between creating art and succumbing to its obsessive demands." -IMDb
Best Part:
I liked the lighting, the set and how they worked together. The set was used in many different ways and would be suddenly transformed when Guido would "dream." Through the use of lighting the set could very easily change.
Worst Part:
I felt as though there was no flow to the story. It was so jagged and seemed like it was trying to be another Chicago. It would cut away to dream-like sequences where you couldn't tell if this was just a little song and dance for the audience or if it was him dreaming it. Even the title didn't tie anything together because there were only 7 women, not 9 like I thought there would have been. It seemed like the story came second to each woman's solo. Each solo was very well done with make-up, costumes, etc. but I didn't think that it did much for the story or the flow.

"Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother. As his chaotic profession steadily destroys his personal life, Guido must find a balance between creating art and succumbing to its obsessive demands." -IMDb
Best Part:
I liked the lighting, the set and how they worked together. The set was used in many different ways and would be suddenly transformed when Guido would "dream." Through the use of lighting the set could very easily change.
Worst Part:
I felt as though there was no flow to the story. It was so jagged and seemed like it was trying to be another Chicago. It would cut away to dream-like sequences where you couldn't tell if this was just a little song and dance for the audience or if it was him dreaming it. Even the title didn't tie anything together because there were only 7 women, not 9 like I thought there would have been. It seemed like the story came second to each woman's solo. Each solo was very well done with make-up, costumes, etc. but I didn't think that it did much for the story or the flow.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Where is my milk from?
Ever been told you should buy local dairy? Well punch in the code from your milk jug/carton and find out where your milk comes from!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Death at a Funeral - Amanda's Review

"Daniel is a decent young man, married to Jane, still living at his father's home. When his father dies, it is up to him to organize his funeral. On this painful morning, the suitable grave expression on his face, Daniel is ready to welcome his father's friends and relatives. But preserving the dignity inherent in such circumstances will be a hard task. Particularly with an undertaker who botches his work, the return from the USA of his famous but selfish brother, his cousin's fiancé who has accidentally ingested drugs, the presence a moron who takes advantage of the sad event to win back the heart (or rather the body) of a woman who is about to marry another, of a handicapped old uncle who is also the most unbearable pain in the neck. To cap it all, Daniel notices the presence among the mourners of a mysterious dwarf nobody else seems to know..." -IMDb
Best Part:
The script was absolutely the best part. The movie was hilarious and had a great story! Every subplot fit in perfectly. It was very well written and clever.
Worst Part:
Nothing in this movie stood out as bad to me. Things like the lighting and costumes were not anything exciting, but it didn't stand out as bad.
King Kong - Amanda's Review

"Carl Denham needs to finish his movie and has the perfect location; Skull Island. But he still needs to find a leading lady. This 'soon-to-be-unfortunate' soul is Ann Darrow. No one knows what they will encounter on this island and why it is so mysterious, but once they reach it, they will soon find out. Living on this hidden island is a giant gorilla and this beast now has Ann is it's grasps. Carl and Ann's new love, Jack Driscoll must travel through the jungle looking for Kong and Ann, whilst avoiding all sorts of creatures and beasts." - IMDb
Best Part:
My favorite part of this movie was the special effects. When you consider when the movie was made they are amazing. The use of the background was very clever.
Worst Part:
I couldn't stand the music in this movie. It seldom seemed to fit what was going on and it hardly played a role. I am so used to a score fitting the action that this stood out as pretty bad.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My Fair Lady - Amanda's Review

"A chance meeting between two noted British linguists, Prof. Henry Higgins and Col. Hugh Pickering, leads to a wager that will test Higgins' skills. After they hear a cockney flower girl caterwaul in the street, Higgins proposes to transform the girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a refined Victorian lady with an aristocratic accent. After some hesitation Eliza agrees to become their test case." -IMDb

The costumes in this movie were amazing and really fit the period. Each outfit fit the scene and the person perfectly. Nothing stood out unless it was supposed to - like Higgins at the race track. I mostly noticed the makeup in Eliza's transformation. It really helped to emphasize her becoming a lady.
Worst Part:
Nothing stood out to me as very impressive with the directing or movement, neither good or bad. There wasn't anything exceptionally exciting in the camera angels or the dance choreography. But like I said before, nothing bad either.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How to Train Your Dragon - Amanda's Review

"Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. However, his macho father and village leader, Stoik the Vast, will not allow his small, clumsy, but inventive son to do so. Regardless, Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can't bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, whom he dubs Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. But even as the two each take flight in their own way, they find that they must fight the destructive ignorance plaguing their world." -IMDb

I really liked the story. It was original and well thought through. I liked the fact that when Hiccup was fixing the tail it didn't work on the first try and it wasn't as simple as taping paper to the tail. I will also like any movie that makes big animals - like dragons - seem cute, adorable, and cat-like.
Worst Part:
The music wasn't great. Nothing stood out to me during the movie. The music should emphasize whatever emotion the director wants you to feel and I didn't get that feeling. I was not horrible though either.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Any Given Sunday - Amanda's Review

"A star quarterback gets knocked out of the game and an unknown third stringer is called in to replace him. The unknown gives a stunning performance and forces the aging coach to reevaluate his game plans and life. A new co-owner/president adds to the pressure of winning. The new owner must prove her self in a male dominated world." -IMDb
Best Part:
Al Pacino's performance in this movie is stunning. He really pulls you into his character and makes you empathize with him. It is frequently difficult to tell if he is the good guy or the bad guy. Even at the end you're left hanging.

The uniforms in this movie we horrendous! I don't even think kids would wear these in football. The worst team were the Dallas Knights. It just looked awful and unbelievable that any professional would ever wear something like this.
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