"A chance meeting between two noted British linguists, Prof. Henry Higgins and Col. Hugh Pickering, leads to a wager that will test Higgins' skills. After they hear a cockney flower girl caterwaul in the street, Higgins proposes to transform the girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a refined Victorian lady with an aristocratic accent. After some hesitation Eliza agrees to become their test case." -IMDb

The costumes in this movie were amazing and really fit the period. Each outfit fit the scene and the person perfectly. Nothing stood out unless it was supposed to - like Higgins at the race track. I mostly noticed the makeup in Eliza's transformation. It really helped to emphasize her becoming a lady.
Worst Part:
Nothing stood out to me as very impressive with the directing or movement, neither good or bad. There wasn't anything exceptionally exciting in the camera angels or the dance choreography. But like I said before, nothing bad either.
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